Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Come Home!

Reason 1042 why I love the Church.
"For centuries we have prayed for you and the world. Every hour of every day whenever, we say the mass."
find more at Catholics Come Home.



Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Great Post Concerning Mary, Martha, and a certain famous Rabbi

Great post from K8t.

Although I'd read about how extraordinary it was for Jesus to be talking with the a woman, let alone a Samaritan woman, in John 4.  I hadn't thought about the implications this line of thinking had on the interaction between Jesus, Mary, and Martha in Luke 10:38-42.



Monday, November 30, 2009

Back on the air?

Yes, I have been a way for a while.  I must admit that I've felt bad about not posting regularly, but, I haven't had a anything to say.  And I don't want to post just to post and drive up traffic.  I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that, it is just not my style.  Besides, I follow a lot of blogs like that and I get a lot out of them.

Perhaps it is the start of the season of Advent that, quite in line with the intent of the season, I have become more reflective.  Perhaps it is because I am traveling to Helsinki for some training this week that I have actually had time to do some reflecting.

So anyways, here I am in Frankfurt, Germany waiting for my connecting flight to Helsinki.  This week I will be at a workshop to learn about LTE as well as network with some folks.  Hopefully, I will be able to have a beer with some old friends from one of the other wireless programs I used to work on.  I will keep my fingers crossed.

So I am sitting in one of these airport lounges, waiting for my flight, and I am looking at all of the people.  About 100.  All sitting in their own chairs, going about their business.  With the exception of a few folks who are obviously business partners, no one is talking to each other.  We are a gregarious species who hunger for human contact. Why aren't we talking to each other when we are so far from our homes and families.  The ones we love?

A great many of them are probably Christian, why aren't they sharing their love of Christ and his Father?  What is it about our condition that we feel like we need to restrain ourselves with respect to our love of God around strangers?

I must admit that I would not make the first move to discuss something, so I'm guilty.  I'm just wondering why we are like this.  Why do I have to wait for my weekly bible study or write behind the facade of a blog in order to share my thoughts and love of God?

Just pondering.



Monday, August 31, 2009

Concise, to the point, gets to the heart of what is wrong with their arguments

See here, I can't agree more with what is wrong with all the pro-choice arguments.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Shielded from Grace

Holy Cow!  It has been almost two months since my last post.  To be honest, I've had writers block.  Not to many ideas.  Not a whole lot of time to devote to writing either.  My prayer life has been abysmal.  And guess what? I feel like I'm in the desert.  If you look at this post, I think I'd be somewhere near the bottom of the cosine.  Do you think there is any coincidence?

For me, being in tune with the Father starts with a good prayer life.  It is the foundation on which all things are built.  The best results for me are when I start and end the day in prayer.

With the exception of going to Mass every week, and bible study when my business travel allows, I have not been too good a son to the Father nor a good brother to the Son.  In a way, I think that not having a good prayer life and/or not participating in the sacraments shields you from the Grace of God.  In much the same way as a child/teenager shuts themselves in their room and locks the door.  They are trying to shut out their parents.  It is the only place that they can go and (hopefully) be alone.  They are shielding themselves from their parents and what they consider prying questions or interference from their parents.

But the question is, why do we want to shut out the Father and his grace?  I think with me it just starts with being tired and frustrated with work and skipping prayer once.  If we don't have enough discipline to get back on track, we hit the downward slope of the cosine curve.  Hopefully we realize where we are going and get back on track.

Thankfully, the Good Shepherd is always glad to have us back in the fold.

