Saturday, January 17, 2009

Proof for the existence of God. At least for me

Conservation of Energy - Energy can neither be created or destroyed. There is a finite amount of energy in the universe. Although, to our finite sized brains, it may seem like there is an infinite amount!

How is it then, when we have a child, that we can love them so much? How can we love someone so completely all of a sudden. Yeah, some say that love is a chemical process. But chemical processes require energy and/or fuel to unlock the energy. Where does the extra energy come from? We don't eat or drink anymore than normal as the love for our children grows from nothing. We don't lose weight as a result of the extra energy it takes to love someone. (Weight lost due to breast feeding and extra physical effort does not count) We don't love our spouses any less, so we aren't stealing energy from them.

The Father has shown us, through the death of his only Son, that he loves us infinitely.

Therefore, the source of our love for our children is the fount head of love, the Father, his only Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Here is a classic proof of the existence of God from St. Thomas Aquinas

Blessings to you


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