Saturday, April 11, 2009

Prayer for Patience

I have a problem with patience. There is nothing wrong with patience, I just don't have enough of it. Through the Father, all things are possible. During my prayers, I ask for help with patience. One day, I was struck with the thought that I need to write a prayer for patience. Here is what I came up with. Be gentle.

My Father,
only through you are all things possible.

By your Grace, I am made whole.
You complete me.

Help me to recall
- the joyful noise that was their first cry.
- the unconditional love I felt when I first held them.
- the joy and pride in each small accomplishment.

Help me to remember that they are a precious gift from you. Left in my care for what seems like a lifetime but is gone in the blink of an eye.

That however impatient or angry that I may be with them, they will learn from my words and actions. Help me to remember that by teaching them these things, I am perpetuating that which must stop.

Help me to remember that I am called to protect, teach, and above all, love them as you love me.

Help me to unshackle myself from
- the stress and fatigue of the work day.
- the crush of the pressure from the World.
- the anxiety from the uncertainty of these tough economic times.

Father, I know that through you, all things are possible. Complete me with the grace of patience and perspective so that I may fulfill my sacred duty as husband and father.

Lord Jesus, pray for me.
Your Holiness JP II, pray for me.
St. Joseph, pray for me





  1. never thought a poem would bring a lump in the throught!! words worth keeping.Thanks

  2. awesome, absolutely awesome. it was exactly what i needed this evening. so awesome that i printed out a copy. thank you so very much :)

  3. I'm a mother, not a father, but your prayer brought tears to my eyes, and I will print it for my husband to see when he gets home. It is just what I was looking for. I'm having a hard time as a "single parent" with my husband gone so much, and need much patience with our two young boys ... God Bless You.

  4. Thanks, I needed to see this
