Tuesday, June 23, 2009

PIXAR is a class act

PIXAR makes great movies.  Some are better than others.  Emily loved Cars.  Allison loves WALL-E.  Up was awesome.  The quality of PIXAS's animation and the exceptional stories never fail to impress me.  The ability to make an insightful, animated movie suitable for children, yet entertaining for adults, without resorting to low brow humor and gimmicks is great.

PIXAR is a class act.  Here is an inspirational story for us all, courtesy of Catholic Exchange, Jimmy Akin, and the OC Register.  Colby was diagnosed with vascular cancer and her dying wish was to see Up.  Click through the links for details.  The OC Register has the most back ground information.  The PIXAR employee brought toys from the movie and an adventure scrapbook like the one from the movie.

What a great story.  Especially poignant is that Colby was unable to watch the movie because she was in so much pain.  Her mother gave her a scene by scene description.  She passed 7 hours later with her parents.  Pray for her and her family.

Another testament to how much we should treasure our children and love them as much as possible.  It seems, from Colby's experience, that children have an incredible will to live.  Even under extreme pain they do not want to give up.  At what point do some folks think that their life is so worthless that they think the only way to have dignity is to take their own life?

If you get the time, drop PIXAR and Disney a line to thank them for being so thoughtful.



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