Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Resolution

Happy New Year to you all!

In the past, my New Year's Resolutions have revolved around making my body more healthy.  Each year, I would give up something unhealthy in a bid to gradually get myself more healthy.  One year was soft drinks, still doing well on that one although I do use Coca-Cola or Sprite in mixed drinks occasionally.  The year after that, I gave up Salad Dressings.  In 2008 I gave up French Fries.  I've fallen off the wagon a couple times on that one but still plan to keep it up.  

I haven't figured out what I will give up this year in order to improve my health.  But this year, in order to improve my spiritual health, I plan to go to confession at least 1 a month. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, along with a good prayer life, it helps keep me centered with the will of the Father. Second, I'd like to get these habits in place so the kids get used to the family doing it.

Do you have any Resolutions for the New Year having to do with improving your spiritual health?  Share them!

Blessings to you all.


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