Friday, January 9, 2009

Small Changes Mean a Lot

A friend of the family has posted a challenge to the readers of the Diocese of Marquette paper. 

See here:

Great insight into how people are called to their vocation, whether it is to the religious life or married life.

Something that struck me, concerning my blog in particular, is Mike's paraphrasing of a quote from St. Francis de Sales—"something to the effect that holiness is slow as sunrise: imperceptible changes realized only in retrospect."

This is good for me to keep in mind as I try to improve myself in my continued faith journey. Small changes may not seem to be making much difference, but in retrospect they can mean a lot.

So to with how we work with our children. As I've said in a previous post, "Ton of Bricks", I can't expect my kids to immediately change. If there is something wrong with their behavior, we need to work with them to improve with small changes. Also relates to another post, "Our Father, Part 1", catechesis of our children in bite size chunks that they can take into the future.



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